Who Knows

Who knows what this year will bring. Will there be more sorrows or pain? We cannot predict what lies ahead of us instead we can only look to one Man. This Man knows what lies ahead of us, but does not show us. We can try to direct our own footsteps, but where does that lead us? Sometimes on the wrong path. We try to find our way in life when you really think about it. We cannot really do it on our own. No matter how hard we try to things by ourselves, we get overwhelmed and stressed out. There is a beauty to it however, God is right there.

So the question I want you to think about, who knows what this year will bring? Will you allow Him to take over this year? Will you put everything in Gods hands or will you take matter into your own hands?

Honestly, we do not know what this year will bring. The only thing we know is giving God this year and the years to come. He will take care of us. Just have faith.

Dear God,

I thank you for this year and for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me. God I place this year and the years to come into your hands. I do not want to take over. Lord I am giving you everything so Lord please take over my life. In Jesus Name I Pray


You Are Not Them

Happy New Year to all my followers. I know some of you may be getting back from vacation, continuing class, or going back to work. I hope that you all enjoyed yourself. Today’s topic got me, I know some of you may or may not relate to this topic and that is okay. Maybe one day you may experience this feeling. Let’s get started, shall we?

You are not them keep this in mind. When I say you are not them I mean that do not think what happen to someone will happen to you. You are you. One of my sisters had to remind me of this. I was feeling worried about something and when she said, “Just because this happen to them does not mean its going to happen to you. You are not them.” When she said this it reminded me of Psalms 139:14 which says, “I Praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” I think that when you are worried about something you think well what if that happens to me? All the what ifs come to rise in your thoughts. If someone in your family had a failed marriage or got pregnant out of wedlock or something other than the things I mentioned. You are not them. Everyone has their own story and no story is the same. You probably have the same experiences, but that does not mean you are that person. Each of us has a unique story that is being written. Each of us has a different plan that is set out by God himself. Each of us has a different path and no path is the same. It is okay to be worried, but remember Matthew 6:34, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” So, I enecourage you whenever you feel worried about something like being scared or afraid of something because it happen in your family or friends, keep in mind that YOU ARE NOT THEM!!! Just trust God in everything.

Dear God,

I thank you for this reader that is reading this now. God whatever it is that they are worried about, I asked that you remind them that they are not them. You have created everyone in their own way. Lord, I pray that you give them peace and help them not to worry and to have faith.

In Jesus Name, I Pray


Starting Up Again

Good evening, morning, or afternoon to all my followers. I know it has been almost two years since I have written something on this blog. I apologize to everyone who has been waiting. Before I get started on today’s topic, I would like to say Happy New Year. You made it and I made it Praise God!!

I picked this topic because I started this blog in 2015 and the last time I published a blog was in 2020. Was I busy? Was I lazy? Truth be told, I was never busy or lazy I just felt discouraged. I felt like this blog was going nowhere I mean honestly. I thought about deleting this but, I could never mount up to doing this… deleting something that I am passionate about it was the last thing on my mind. It was not a top priority to me. I never came home from work and rushed to my computer to erase everything. I still have words to say. Having a blog and writing books was something that I wanted, this brings me to the topic this week, Starting Up Again. I did not write this based on a new year but, something that I was inspired by. Have you ever started something and then stopped? Well, I would encourage you to start up again because you and I do not know what the future holds. You and I do not know what God has in store for you have started. It is okay to be discouraged, but do not let it take over. Once, it sets in you allow it to stop what you are doing. I am not saying it is your fault. That could be the enemy doing. The Bible says in John 10:10, ” The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” So, in other words, do not allow the enemy to steal that passion for whatever it is YOU have started. Do not let the enemy to steal your joy. God has placed whatever you have started on your heart for a reason. I will continue to write and publish more blogs this year. My question is what are you waiting for? It is time for YOU to


Be blessed everyone.

Mighty To Save

God is mighty to save

No need to be afraid

Everything you go through is not a punishment

He wants to restore what was lost

And welcome you back home

So go to him when you are weary and heavy laden

He will carry all your burdens

Cast your worries on him

He is mighty to save

Look Back

Look back on how far you came

You should be in awe

People tried everything they can to bring you down

But God said nuh-uh not my child

Every plan of the enemy

God has already blocked

For it is written no weapon formed against you shall prevail

So farewell to those plans

You are in palm of Gods hands

Don’t stop there

He’s going to take you everywhere

You have a story to tell

Continue to dwell in him

He will take you beyond what you see

Forever he will be

Your Father

Standing Firm

Standing firm. When you hear these words, do not take it as a joke, but I want you to take it into consideration. When you are standing firm, you are not only standing firm physically but spiritually. When you are standing firm, stand firm in the faith. When you stand firm in the faith, God will always show up at the right time. I will talk about my God for a minute.

These past few days God has been blessing me. I was so worried about something and I ask God, how will I get this fulfilled? A few hours later he provided me with an answer to my prayer. I believe it was the week after that, where he double the blessing.

It was at that moment, where I realized that there is no need to worry because God will always show up at the right time. Of course, I already know this but what I want you all to understand from this is that when you stand firm in the faith your blessing is already the way. Stand firm in the faith by reading your Bible and studying his word day and night. Even though there are times when you do not feel like getting up in the morning to read the Bible, remember God still loves you. I know there are times when I do not want to get up in the morning to read but I know for a fact that if I want to receive my blessings, I will have to get up and read it.

Standing firm is not about showing people that you are but rather being strong, being alert, and loving. When you are standing firm in the faith, you are gaining strength. Standing firm, getting you prepared for when you are going through something. It is getting you ready to receive the blessings that you asked for in prayer. Most importantly, standing firm is helping you to hold onto the faith and do not let it go.

Be blessed!!!!!!

The Greatest Existence

Look around us. Wherever you are reading this, look around you. Look at yourself in the mirror when you wake up or whatever you are doing right now. You exist. Everything around you exists. Why is that? The greatest existence created us and everything.

The greatest existence of all is God. God created life. It is because of his existence that we are all here today. It is because of his existence that he saves you and you came out of that hospital or car accident alive. It is because of his grace and mercy that we exist. Something that I do not understand is how can people think that God does not exist. That is like saying you do not think that air exists. You can hear it when it comes on, but you cannot see it. It is the same thing with God. You can hear him but you cannot see him.

The only way to hear him is if you put in the work to get to know him and understand his word, just as much time you put in to go to the gym.

God existence is what makes us safe. The world we live in is corrupted, but that should not stop us or you from believing the existence of God. This world has nothing to do with the existence of God, but his existence has something to do with this world. We fail to realize that the greatest existence of God is what makes you, you. His existence is why we are living and breathing today and will continue to live. His existence is why we get up every day. We exist because He exists.


Sometimes you find yourself drowning. Spiritually drowning, why? You have days where you are moving and focusing on things in your life. Your days are filled with meetings, doctors appointment, school, laundry, and other things.

You start to get that feeling like your drowning in a storm. Have you ever seen someone began to drown? They are gasping for air and they are freaking out because they are afraid of drowning. Your life is like the ocean, it is filled with everything. Imagine that you are swimming and everything is going well you know nice and smooth, but then a storm hits. You began to drown. You get so caught up in everything that goes on around you, you tend to forget about God. You are spiritually drowning because you go days without even acknowledging God. You are more focused on your schedule and stressing about school or something.

“For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭41:13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

When fear comes knocking on your door, do not let in because then you will begin to drown.

In Luke 8:22-25, Jesus wanted to go on the other side of the lake. So Jesus and his disciples got into the boat and they set out. As they were out in the lake, a storm hit. The disciples were afraid and thought that they were going to drown. They went to Jesus and woke him up. Jesus calmed the storm.

I am telling you this story because sometimes we forget that when we feel like we are drowning in a storm, Jesus is always there. We are never too deep for God, he can go right under you and lift you up. Do not allow yourself to drown. Let Jesus be your boat.

Time to Heal

Most of us has been in a relationship or are in one right now. Sometimes when a couple breaks he or she does not give themselves time to heal. What do I mean by that? They are jumping from one relationship to the next and that can be unhealthy. Different emotions will build up such as: fear, unhappy, desperate, and deep pain. The question is how will they know when the right person comes along or what does real love feels like? Healing is the important part after breaking up because your heart is fragile like a glass. Give to the wrong person and it will shatter to pieces, but give it to the right person it will be restored. That joy you have never felt or that happiness will come.

Giving yourself time to heal will allow you to figure out what you do want and what you do not want. Also, in that process of healing you can build yourself up, (I will continue saying this because it is important!!) not only that, you will not be afraid to let the right person come in. Time to heal does not happen within a day because he or she has been with you for months or maybe years and for them to not be there anymore will have to just get use to it. Sometimes you jump into the next relationship because that person is a rebound or you are afraid of being alone. Let me tell you this it is okay to be single until and let yourself heal before the right person comes along. Just because you see your friends in a relationship does not mean you have to be in one as well. There is nothing wrong with being single. You have to let your heart heal.

Think about it for a second, what will happen if you allowed yourself to play hopscotch or jump in jump out? What I mean is going in and out of relationships. You will be an emotional wreck and then start to not trust people and say that you are alone. You are not alone, you are not letting people in because you did not eat yourself heal. One way to let your heart heal is forgiveness. Forgive them or apologize. No one should have to tell you so. You can move on but in that process of moving on it is healing. Do not go jumping into a relationship while you are healing and sometimes it is good to try something different. Stop rushing, when the time is right you will be happy.


Do Not Give up on Your Dreams!!!

We all have dreams and dreams do not die. Sometimes it is hard to pursue our dreams but we have to understand each dream, will help us bless someone. I am not talking about the dreams we have when we go to sleep but, the dreams of doing something.

For example, my dream is to write and bless people with my words. It is not easy building up to our dreams because we have so much problems and things going on in our live. Other times, we feel like we cannot go on any longer because we do not have that sense of inspiration or encouragement. We have to surround ourselves with people who will push us to keep going. People who believe in us, and help us to make it.

Most importantly, we have to believe in ourselves!! The way I see it, the lack of encouragement we have the less of a dream it becomes. When we believe in ourselves, we are telling ourselves that,

“I can do this. I can make this dream become a reality.I can help people with my dream.”

When we do not believe in ourselves we are losing the faith that we know that this dream will become a reality. Think about a dream that you have or currently pursuing, how often do you work towards that dream? Are you pushing the process of that dream back? Like holding things off that you know you should be working on? Dreams do not come into our minds for no reason. There is a reason and a purpose. We have to remember that our dream is not for our own pleasure, but to reach out to others in this world. We cannot give up on our dreams because we do not know who it can help.

Dreams are not easy, the path to making our dreams become a reality will be a bumpy, deep, hard path. The path will have some blessings in it as well and it is worth fighting for. It is worth overcoming those trials because one day our dreams and how we made it into a reality will help others with theirs. So, Do not give give up if you feel like giving up on your dreams. DO NOT!!!

Have a Blessed day!!!!!!